Module 1

Module 1



The test material and the test recording

The basics of the Lüscher test

  • Test recording and detection of abnormalities
  • The “Quick overview” — evaluation at level 1
  • Initial therapy recommendations (guideline table)

The systematic evaluation of the test

  • Basic principles of evaluation
  • Recognizing the current frustration and the resulting compensation
  • Recognizing contradictions, conflicts, and tensions

The meaning of the test colors

  • The test colors and the sensory perceptions
  • The system of colors and shapes
  • Preference and rejection

The 4 feelings of self and categorical psycho-logic

  • The four feelings of self and the four primary colors
  • The categorical system
  • Overvalued or undervalued claims
  • The regulative balancing of self-feelings
  • The reference areas

Intensive practice on case studies (group work)

The conflict colors and the conflict analysis

Control questions

Conclusion: Confirmation of participation


Exercises and further evaluation criteria

Repeat the basic knowledge

  • Test recording and evaluation at level 1
  • Intensive practice on test examples provided by the participants
  • Experiences of the participants
  • Questions and difficulties

Test evaluation at level 2

  • Recognize emotional indicators: Fixations, contradictions, tensions
  • Recognizing the cause as a trigger
  • Connection between frustration and compensation

The normative sense of self and the law of harmony

Exercises using selected and own examples (plenary)

The normalization of self-feelings

  • The feelings of self and the misguided ego images
  • The four therapy goals as counter-regulation
  • The therapy tables

Exercises on selected and own examples (group work)

Conclusion: Confirmation of participation